
Showing posts from November, 2014

Dependency Injection - The good, the bad and the ugly

The Good Dependency injection (DI, a.k.a IoC - inversion of control) is a well known technique to increase software modularity by reducing coupling between modules. To provide the benefits of DI , numerous DI frameworks have arisen ( Spring , Guice , Castle Windsor , etc.) all of which essentially give you "DI capabilities" right out of the box (these frameworks tend to provide a whole lot more than just "DI capabilities", but that's not really relevant to the point I'm about to make). Now, to remove the quotes around "DI capabilities", let's define it as a DI container - a sack of objects you can manipulate using a provided API in order to wire these objects together into an object graph that makes up your application. I've worked on quite a few projects employing Spring, so it will be my framework of reference throughout the rest of the post, but the principles and morals apply just the same.